Hisanori, Kato (ed.), ”The clash of ijtihad : fundamentalist versus liberal Muslims”
the development of Islamic thinking in contemporary Indonesia
ISBN: 9788184651409
Title: The clash of ijtihad : fundamentalist versus liberal Muslims : the development of Islamic thinking in contemporary Indonesia /
Author: editor: Hisanori Kato.
Delhi : ISPCK,
Physical Desc.: xxxvi, 214 p. ; 22 cm.
Series Information: (Religion, politics and society series ; no. 3)
Year: 2011
Price: USD 14.60 (pbk.)
Chapter Title(Chapter Author)
Debates on Islam and Secularism in Indonesiaq(Luthfi Assyaukanie)
Islam, Humanity, and the Equality for Women(Lily Zakiyah Munir )
The Need for Historical Perspectives in Understanding Islam(Abdurrahman Wahid)
The Concept of Jihad and Mujahid of Peace(Zakiyuddin Baidhawy)
The Position of Women in Islam : Criticism on the Compilation of Islamic Law in Indonesia(Siti Musdah Mulia)
Homosexuality in Islam: Coming out of the Dark(Soffa Ihsan)
What is Right in Islam? Ideas of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir
Caliphate, Sharia and the Future of Umat(M. Ismail Yusanto)
Ethnic Identity, Nationalism and Islam(Eka Jaya)
Life from Muslim Women's Point of View
Islam as Life's Solution(Cecep Firdaus)
Islam and Pancasila: The Message of a Former Judge(Bismar Siregar)
Progress of the Country with Justice and Prosperity (Zulkieflimansyah and Yon Machmudi)
The Role of Islam in Politics : Struggling for Political Peace, Justice and Mercy of Islam(Andi M. Ramly)
Islamic Politics and Political Islam : A Standoff Between Islam and the State(Andi M. Fatwa)